Welcome to my blog. Here, you will find my experiences with MS and new research focused on MS, as well as lifestyle tips. You can also explore the Work Smarter section for useful articles and suggestions. Additionally, in the ‘ETSY Shop‘ section above, you can discover my stylish and unique products under the shop name ‘Holistic Haven Living.’ I hope you find something that resonates with you there.

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An artistic representation of an Importance Lock as a metaphorical ornate lock hovering over a persons head symbolizing the overcoming mental block

I have try to overcoming this state of being locked up that I’ve named “Importance Lock.” I don’t think it’s unique to me, so I wanted to share it. 🙂

Because of the value I place on the notebook, an “Importance Lock” forms, and while those pristine pages wait for my brand-new projects, I can’t bring myself to open it and jot down a few words, draw my plan diagrams or create my lists.
