Elegant Ease: Tenderloin and Greens

Cooking is not just about satisfying hunger but also about nourishing the soul and boosting self-confidence and it is elegant ease. When you become the chef of your own kitchen, you don’t just create delicious meals but also invest in your health. Each ingredient you choose, every mix you make, is an artwork shaped in your hands.

The comfort of making your own food allows you to escape stress and take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Every minute you spend in the kitchen makes you more creative and innovative. Cooking your beef tenderloin, preparing your salad, boiling your potatoes; all these steps make you more independent and confident.

From a health perspective, making your own meals ensures you know exactly what you eat. You step towards a more natural, elegant ease and healthy diet by avoiding additives, excessive salt, and sugar. With every bite, you feel satisfied with your effort and choices.

This recipe promises more than just a meal. It aims to show you how delicious and healthy a dish you can prepare with your hands can be. The time you spend in the kitchen will lead you to a happier and healthier life. Now, put on your chef’s apron and embark on this creative journey. Remember, every great meal starts with a pinch of love and a handful of courage.


  1. Beef Tenderloin
  2. Olive Oil
  3. Any salad ingredients you crave and find at the grocer’s
  4. Potatoes
  5. Salt
  6. Chives

Healthy eating habits that make living with MS easier.

Beef Tenderloin Preparation: First, place aside the beef tenderloin you bought from the butcher until it reaches room temperature. During this time, the meat will become ready to cook.

Grilling Time: Let’s bring our grill pan to the stage. Heat your pan on the stove, lightly oil it with olive oil, and place your meat in the pan as if putting it onto a dance floor. Cook both sides well. That’s it; your beef tenderloin is ready!

Green Salad: In the meantime, you can prepare one of your favorite green salads. Wash and chop lettuce, arugula, seasonal greens, cucumbers, and tomatoes, and put them in a large bowl. Mix with a bit of olive oil, a light sprinkle of salt, and lemon.

Potato Appetizer: To boil the potatoes, chop them into small pieces and throw them into a pot of water. Add some salt and boil until they are soft. There you have it, the potatoes are ready! Drain the boiled and softened potatoes and place them in a stylish bowl. You can garnish them with chives. Adding a light sprinkle of salt and olive oil will make it a perfect recipe to replace bread.

Bon appétit!

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