Dancing with Words: Find the muse with MS

A bird flew over me!!

Yes, I know writers who can produce an article even on this simple subject. It’s just a bird going its way, but a writer can derive a long article from this event. Years ago, before I was diagnosed with MS, I went for a “copywriting” job interview at a travel agency. They asked me to write a text on a given topic, saying, “Let’s see what you can write.” That moment, I realized that I have find my muse with MS would be a journey of learning to write in my own voice, one that continues to shape my creative process today.

Years ago, I went for a “copywriting” job interview at a travel agency. It might have been around 2012, long before MS entered my life. They asked me to write a text on a given topic, providing examples and saying, “Let’s see what you can write.”

I made two copies; one was “What I Would Say if I Were by Myself,” and the other was a tasteless, click-bait text that I thought was in line with their examples.

Guess which one they chose? Of course, the click-bait one…

“(To the office, an hour away from my home) You need to come every weekday; write a certain number of (click-bait) texts a day; you are newly married, so do you plan to have children soon?” I did not accept the job despite these rules and questions. The last question was one I encountered often at that time, likely like many of my peers.

(That’s a topic for another time…)

I realized then that I couldn’t do quality copywriting, and I couldn’t develop myself by acquiring a profession with such demands. I had to write in my own voice and progress.

At that time, I continued looking for a job in my passion, “3D architectural modeling,” thankfully finding places to work remotely. (Because: Homeoffice forever!)

Sadly, after a while, 3D architectural modeling also fell into repetition; “the exterior of the building, the office inside, the meeting room, even the parking lot, after everything is done, fit that ugly building into this beautiful scenery with photo manipulation.” I was fed up with such tasks.

None of them were stoking my muse…

“I wish I could make money with my words,” I kept wishing, and eventually, I did it! A “customer service” job landed in my lap. How happy I was—I was going to earn money with my words!! Moreover, these sweet people I worked with accepted my fear of speaking on the phone and didn’t mind me insisting on written communication, “as long as all customers are responded to!”

It wasn’t long before I experienced another enlightenment, “my muse still hasn’t budged…”

Well, we can handle this; I’m working from home, after all… Even though I was working for a company with many unpleasant customers, my muse wouldn’t be affected, and we could write together, focus on my book, and even write new ones! But for sure I have find my muse with MS

Sometimes, I turn into a sweet, rose-colored glasses-wearing Pollyanna…

Woman drinks coffee in a chaotic and colorful working space.

But again,

it didn’t turn out as I had imagined. All my energy from my computer was flowing to negative-minded customers and driving me crazy.

I had a salaried job, and I’ve moved away from 3D now; what will I do?… While wandering among these questions, even the subject of changing the decoration at home didn’t give my muse a rest, trying to write decoration articles. A high school friend had said, “Only you could come up with an article about changing the position of the sofa!” I still remember.

I admit that the person who could write epics about the topic “a bird flew over me!” mentioned at the beginning seems to be me. The bird is just on its path, but unknowingly, it inspires me… As we move on our path, we store the memories we leave behind in our box, too; who knows where it’s going and for what purpose… Where we are going and for what purpose is also a mystery…

Over the years, I lightened my duties at the company I worked for, learn to delegate, formed and settled a team. Now, I could spend more time writing while dealing with much calmer customers.

Woman writes with colorful pens to her notebook.

Well Of course…

After my first job interview, the MS illness that broke out actually started my “Dancing with MS” articles inadvertently. I don’t see them as “muse work” but as a therapy to relieve the tension, working with my muse.

A short while ago, we discussed with John about revisiting this writing topic. And he said “he liked my writing style, and that I should use and share it more often”, which made me incredibly proud and happy. So, I set up this website. I am excited to share announcements, research, articles on MS, and how my daily life progresses. Well, I also started writing more often. I think I’m now able to balance this topic ❤ So I find my muse with MS!

I’m happy to report that my muse has started working more productively. 🙂

Ps: The pictures you have seen are Team: Me&Dall-e Production 🙂
I hope you will find your muse too even if you are a warrior!!

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