Sunday Coffee, About fitting in your own space…

Let’s have another Sunday coffee! Yes, I want to make this a habit. My dream is to write and share an article that will be read every Sunday, that will make you think or make you giggle.

To achieve this, I have to read a lot during the week, research, chat, and stay away from the news as much as possible because Türkiye’s agenda affects me badly, like many others.

You know, we used to have wooden toys, a round object fits into a round hole, it cannot fit into a square hole or triangular hole. When we were babies, we tried to fit it in there, but as we grew up, we learned that a round object will fit into a round space. It’s like it came out of there. The square object will fit into the square hole. Especially that triangular object, the hardest one, but yes! The triangle will fit into the hole. It is always as it should be. I guess the blogging thing fell into place that way. (Let’s say the daisy object sat in the daisy space, because why not. It was made by a crazy toymaker.)

I wanted to tell you about one of the things I want to do. Because since I opened the blog, I have my eyes on other “I want to do” things, even though I haven’t finished the page content yet or made it the way I want. That’s making a game too! Making a game that you can play on your phones and hopefully one day make it to PS or Xbox! (hey! even writing was a bombardment of self-confidence!)

As I write here that it has been a very long process, I look at myself like my mother does when she tells me “be careful of yourself”.

I don’t think this is greediness, it’s the desire to move on and achieve the others once we’re pumped up and have accomplished something. However, success has not yet been achieved. Only one step has been taken. Even though I want to take a step in all of them, I need to be convinced that when one of them reaches a certain point, it will only work alongside other projects.

Among the things to do with the blog right now; For example, opening a store. For days, I couldn’t even look at the POD products that I would put in the store when I had time from work. However, it is ready, most of them are ready! All I have to do is: go ahead, add it to the store, download the image, edit it, save it, move on to the next product, if you don’t like it, redo it, design it, draw it, select it, bring it to the end, right! No, I really couldn’t help it.

But I talked with John about how to progress the game project, we planned how we would get help from artificial intelligence, I did research to learn about artificial intelligence on various platforms, and I bought a few of them. While watching movies and TV series, I stopped in between and talked about the progress of my Oyun project with John, what the script would be like, how the drawing would be, and occupied the small area where the child was resting… We were saying, “Wait, your store, Pirden, come on.”

Anyway, after a lot of grumbling to myself, I take a sip of my coffee and go to take care of my store, okay promise.
Rein in your muse!

I wish you a pleasant weekend 🙂
Lots of rest, lots of healing, lots of joyful moments…

Also you can read;

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