-a Coffee?

I had been thinking about starting a blog for a very long time. The new generation may not understand the importance or excitement of opening a blog, but those who were young in the 90s know that being a blog owner was very significant. Yes, that importance might not have lasted because, although writing has increased, readership has decreased.

Given this situation, why should one open another space outside of places that are already being visited for the sake of reading (like Medium, Substack, etc.)? How will you attract people there, how will you publish regularly, can you manage a site on your own? Will there be enough diversity?

While these and many other questions were swirling in my mind (and as I was grumbling), John said (this man’s heroism ❤), “Why don’t you consider opening a blog about MS? Choose that as your niche, make your posts from there and publish research on it, etc.”

I thought, why not! My MS articles, MS research, my shop etc, so I started to design the content. Then, it occurred to me about my home office articles. Let’s attach them, and share the “Sunday coffee” articles

I feel the tied hands and feet that come with being a multi-faceted person are starting to loosen a bit. Without belittling myself, I am listing the issues in my life that I feel I am good at, without underestimating them; painting, digital arts, illustration, 3D architectural modeling, writing skills, Mindfulness, content creation, novel writing, fast learning, UI-UX design, music, guitar, prompt engineering, QA, e-commerce page management, customer relationship management, coastal rowing and the topic of MS were added as a spice, I guess I was stuck in my place, confused about what to do. I wanted to do all of them, but I couldn’t do any of them (when I got paid from one or two of them, I only did them, and the rest were waiting in boredom).

Although the focus is on MS, it actually gave me the opportunity to combine a couple of these subjects and reach out to other things I wanted to do. Once I get one subject on track, I believe and have the power to place the others like a locomotive.

As I continue with my preparations, I realized something I’m not good at… cooking! As my mother’s daughter, everyone expected me to be a chef, maybe not as great as her, but to make wonderful dishes. However, when I found myself calling my mom to ask how to cook rice, I had to admit that I’m not good in this area. Luckily, with John being the chef of the house, I completely took on the subsidiary tasks of tidying up, loading and unloading the dishwasher, ordering and preparing the ingredients. I must especially mention that I have no objection to this situation, as the meals we eat are very delicious.

I hope you enter a period where you clarify the topics that have been holding you back, feeling your hands and feet tied, and become liberated.

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