MS examinations usually check for ability, strength, sensory, and balance loss. Still, actually, they could gather more data if they followed our psychological transformation into what kind of individual.

I produced it with ChatGPT4 and Dall-e.

From the early years of MS to the middle and the ongoing “now” process, thankfully, none of my abilities have diminished.

I have given up on some matters.

Because I grew up, my interests changed, my tolerance changed, technology advanced…

I no longer do 3D because we already lost it to artificial intelligence. Even though cumbersome programs have lightened a bit, there wasn’t much need anymore, and frankly, I didn’t want to bother. I chose not to dwell on it.

I am not very active at my customer service job because running around to collect and correct mistakes made knowingly by someone can be too much, even for a Virgo.

These do not show a reduction in any ability but show that I continue to grow despite chronic illness, and it shows that my character has settled.

Why did I link this topic to MS?
These changes would have happened even without MS.
Let’s confess; perhaps these changes could have occurred earlier.

Maybe I would have been braver.

MS made me take my steps more cautiously. When you experience physical balance loss, you don’t want to live it mentally on purpose.
Especially during an active MS phase, it was hard to keep your psychology standing.

It showed the value of living in the moment.

I might have copied this from Osho books I read. But wanting to experience that relaxation when you stay in the moment and take a deep breath, capturing those moments gives a pleasure much more enjoyable than any sweet treat.

I was visualizing this scene as I started meditating, and I asked Chat GPT to do it. Imagine the fish moving slowly 🙂

I guess because of MS, it took some time to look for new opportunities while complaining about jobs I was bored with. I wanted to get out of this boredom, so my focus could never be on “now.”

What should I do today for my MS? Do I have the energy to do what I planned? What do the researchers say? How should I share the process I live in? Time slipped away among these struggles.

I guess I was living too generally.

Especially in the early periods, you are already in a situation like “let’s get through today; tomorrow is another day.” There is no promise that you won’t experience a pseudo-attack during the day. Therefore, with a clerk’s mindset, “We are getting our bread, who loves their job anyway, as long as the salary comes, continue if your insurance works…” With these words, this topic was always on my shoulder like a wool-vested grandpa.

Finally, AI, chatGPT, etc., came along, and the grandpa on my shoulder couldn’t grasp it.
He can’t object to my new job.

I tied all this growth to MS because March is World MS Awareness Month.

In my articles, I will try to write and share as much as possible during this time frame, which should focus more on the MS topic.

Life shows us surprise doors; opening them is a matter of courage. What you encounter upon opening is entirely a matter of luck. Here I am, wanting to create awareness with my blog, which I could only establish in the 11th year of entering through the door with MS. Since I took on this task, I wanted to be a light to people lost in their chaos.

I know, dear reader, that “your chaos” exists even if you don’t have a chronic illness. That’s why I’m addressing you. While we all live with our chaos, we try not to spill our coffee despite being pressured to “drink more water.”

What we want to do, what we can do, what we decide to do, and what we give up on aren’t all the very essence of life?

I would be glad if I could enlighten you even slightly on MS and chronic illnesses. Thank you for trying to understand me and being part of my adventure.

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