I discover every time that writing itself is a meditation. Each article is like a slight smudge of my time in my inner world onto paper. While a world of thoughts passes through my mind at that moment, I examine them without judgment, picking one to use, and sometimes I pour out that chaos into my articles.

I realize I should be more organized. But here I am, a Virgo in the outside world, unable to stay organized amidst the chaos inside, believing that hard work can lead to success in any endeavor, striving to achieve, and unfortunately, living with a bit of MS. This means that by starting to write, I begin to organize myself in one aspect of life. Because I’m “starting.”

Out of my “I WISH I could: write, draw, know, learn, play (guitar), sing …” desires, one has come true. “Write,” because I’ve started.
Now, I’m “writing.”

Next up is “draw,” but there’s still time for that; don’t get too excited. 🙂
(I’m excited enough.)

What do we need to realize our wishes and discover the power within us? I believe it takes a bit of courage. Whether it gets read or not, liked or not, sold or not, it is important to turn those “I WISH I could write, draw, do” into reality. The rest, like skill and improvement, will come with training and practice. All you need to take that first step is a bit of courage, and that courage is within you, in your heart.

I see the burden on your shoulders; I understand; I acknowledge everyone has their own kind of burden. I’m not comparing or pressuring anyone’s. I just want to say, “YOU CAN DO IT.”
It’s just “starting a blog,” right?
Look at the excitement in me.
Come on, get excited, too. Stop hesitating.

Also you can read;

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